Albatros, Ventura and Keizershof

Lino Van Reeth, proud owner of café Ventura, Albatros & restaurant Keizershof in the heart of Ghent. With their unique atmosphere and extensive menu, they attract hundreds of visitors every day. As soon as the sun shows its face, the terrace turns into a bustling hotspot, where people toast and laugh until late in the evening.

About this case
Ghent, Belgium
+ locations

"Nonstop Internet is essential to our business for everything we do. Internet outages at busy times result in immediate lost sales. We cannot afford to be without internet". 


But not everything always went smoothly. The corona crisis brought many challenges for the 2 cafes and the restaurant. For example, restrictions were imposed regarding service, which led Lino to start working with QR codes for taking orders. All fine, as long as the Internet remains stable. Because in case of a breakdown, guests can neither order nor pay. However, this stability proved no guarantee; after years of ping-pong between Proximus and Telenet, Lino decided to look for a better solution. This solution became amplr.


4 reasons why Lino chose amplr's reliable Internet: 

  1. Unbreakable Internet thanks to failover connection that ensures the POS system is always connected to the Internet. 
  2. Staff doesn't have to worry about the Internet going down and people not being able to order or pay. 
  3. Free guest wifi so guests can easily order and post fun stories on social media. 
  4. Outstanding service. If something goes wrong, the amplr team is immediately ready to help us. 

In this video, Lino explains why investing in unbreakable Internet is a no-brainer for (hospitality) businesses.